InCommon LLC

Federated Error Handling Service

Welcome to the InCommon Federated Error Handling Service! This web application makes it easy for SPs to display useful and informative error pages to end users.

This page provides tools and information specifically designed for SP operators. If you have not read the Federated Error Handling Service wiki page, please do so now.

What is the URL of this service?

As discussed in the wiki, the actual service URL depends on your use case. There are in fact two cases to consider. To determine the actual URL to be used by your application in each case, type the indicated information into one of the forms below and copy the resulting error page URL.

Case 1

If you want the service to display a contextual, SP-branded error page to the user, the redirect URL must contain the entity ID of the SP. Type or paste your entity ID into the form below to see the URL prefix to be used by your service.

To see the actual error page that will be displayed to the user, type or paste the entity ID of any InCommon IdP into the form below. If that IdP has an errorURL in metadata, that will be displayed on the error page; otherwise a link to the IdP's public information page will be displayed.

SP entityID: (the sp_entityID parameter is required)
IdP entityID: (the idp_entityID parameter is optional)
Error Page URL:

Case 2

If you want the service to return the IdP's errorURL so that you can display an error page yourself, the redirect URL must contain a return parameter. Type or paste any return URL into the form below to see the URL prefix to be used by your service.

To see the actual errorURL returned by the service, type or paste the entity ID of any InCommon IdP into the form below. If that IdP has an errorURL in metadata, the errorURL will be returned; otherwise nothing will be returned.

Return URL: (the return parameter is required)
IdP entityID: (the idp_entityID parameter is optional)
Error Page URL:

To determine the entity IDs of relevant SPs and IdPs, browse the InCommon Entity Information Pages and click the "more technical info" link on any entity info page.